Bendiciones a todos los que se comunican con nosotros a través de nuestra pagina de internet alabaadios.net. Somos una Radio Online con una programación en Español que transmite música y sermones que llevan el evangelio 24 hrs. Nuestra meta es de alcanzar el mundo y anunciar el evangelio de la Palabra de Dios.
GOD bless everyone that has come in touch with our website Alabaadios.net we are a spanish radio program that plays 24 hrs of Gospel music and also plays sermons from different Pastors. Our goal is to preach the word of GOD.
One day sitting at my computer in 2010 GOD spoke to my heart and The LORD said I am going to give you your own Radio Station and the name of it will be Alaba A Dios, because I want my chruch to prasie me at all times, In OCT of 2012 GOD talks again and remines me of the word he(The LORD) spoke to me in 2010, and I going through a crises in my life, my brother was on life support and I didn’t want to talk about anything, I was worry about my brother, 3 days later again GOD spoke to me through my mother about the on line radio, I told her that I couldn’t do it, there was no money for the website and no money to be the equipement, she said to me don’t worry about it I (mom) will lend you my credit card so you can buy the basic, and out of no where a brother donate a website at no cost at all. On sept 30, 2012 Radio ALABA A DIOS began to transmitt. who are we, we are a humble ministry taking the word of GOD through music of all kind of gener in spanish, and also through different preachers that preaches Jesus Christ and his second coming. We also help those who are starting in their Music Ministry, our goal is to take the good news of Christ to every person and to help those who once severed GOD and today are stranded out in this world.